Performance table
Efficiency proven
By means of our “torque driven bicycle-rider computer model” the PowerOval is being compared to the conventional round chainring but also to some ovals of competition.
Both the crank power gain and the positive effects on the peak-power load on knee and hip joints, calculated with our computer model, have been confirmed by extended experimental testing at two leading universities (see Performances, extended version).
With this information PowerOval is able to distinguish itself from the competition where one usually only reads some generalities, does not show performance figures, does not give scientific motivation and excels through unreliable “sales talk.”
Indeed, in case it were correct that an oval chainring can deliver 10% crank power gain (as some dare to claim) then everyone had to ride with that amazing chainring, just to be able to follow the bunch.
As can be seen on the performance table, most of the oval chainrings of competition behave as “round”, specifically regarding the crank power.
Furthermore, in addition to a possible favourable effect on the peak-load on the knee, we always see an increased peak-load on the hip joint.
Ovality too small, shape not optimal and wrong crank positioning versus the major diameter of the oval, mostly a combination of all this.